For as long as I can remember I have been a product junkie. A trip to Shoppers Drug Mart is like the most delicious high -it leaves me trippin for hours. To say I have tried every beauty product in Atlantic Canada is hardly an exaggeration. I have even broadened my horizons with online shopping. Have you ever wondered if "La Mer" is really worth the coin? It set me back approx. $140 for a 1 oz. Tub .To my disappointment, I didn't wake up looking like Beyonce. I actually woke up sobbing that I was now a poor, greasy, SUCKER.
So girls (and my metro boys) I thought I'd save you some time and money. Trust me - These products will NOT disappoint. I simply love them!
There are some things I can't live without. We all have quirky OCD like routines (or it might be
just me) but none the less, I am addicted to teeth whitening. Some call it: White-o-rexia, but whatev. Again, I have tried it all. The best of the best as far as price, convenience and POW! fantastical white chompers are:
Crest Daily Whitening Strips. I put em on in the morning post coffee while I am in the shower and faster than I can wash my hair and shave my legs (these babies work in FIVE MINUTES) It's done. You'll be smiling all day!
Tweezers, Pluckers, Yankers, Torture Device...whatever you call em...I am shocked at the

amount of people that don't use them. I am obsessive. I love a good tweeze. Sick maybe, but to me you need no eye make up when you have good brows. My secret mantra: Messy Brows = Messy Bush. Enough said. These ones are worth the money. They get the hair EVERY time and you will never prick your skin by mistake. They are a bit pricey (approx $30) but seriously this will be the last pair you buy. They also come in fun colors!
Tweezerman Just do it bitches.
Ok, so my skin sorta never grew up. I'm like a hormonal 15 year old. I have tri

ed, Murad, Proactive, NuSkin, Prescription Ointments, EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE you can buy at shoppers and NOTHING has compared to:
Clinique 3 step Acne Solution. It is FANTASTIC. My skin isn't perfect but it is the closest to
"normal" I have ever experienced. Don't whine about the price (approx $80 for the facial soap, toner and cream) think of all the crap that just ends up going to waste in your medicine cabinet. I never wear foundation any more! It is a bit cheaper to actually get the "bar soap" it lasts way longer than the pump, you get a pretty soap dish and it is EXCELLENT to use on your body after whatever makes you sweaty...

I have a closet full of half empty bottles of Shampoo and Conditioner. I have spend rid-dam-diculous amounts on shit I rinse down the drain. Redken, Biolage, Matrix, Schwarzcolf, John Freida, Bedhead, Joico, Nexxus, Rusk...on and on and onnn....but I keep goin back to
Pantene. Yup, it's true. Makes my hair silky, light and smells so fresh and yummy...and under 5 bones.
While we are on the topic of hair...(this is #3 on my list of beauty obsessions) You gotta deep

condition weekly. I mean if you want "crunchy Blvd." hair then don't. Just sayin. I actually buy
Natural Instincts Hair Dye for the Weekly Color Treat Conditioner. It's INSANE. The hair dye is only $10 and you would spend way more than that in a salon for conditioner anyway. Smells like coconut mixed with a bit of fresh air. Slap er on for 30 minutes on Sunday and you'll make everyone jealous all week (I couldn't find an actual picture of the conditioner but its this box)

If you only buy ONE hair product this year make this it:
Moroccan Oil. (You have to get it at a Salon)
THIS SHIT IS BANANAS! It is a leave in treatment/damage protector/slammin shiner/make your hair smell like vacation sex all in one bottle. It is AMAZING. Works on all kinds of hair, it will not weigh it down, and it makes your hair look simply SIC. Its about $30 per bottle, but it has many uses. I slather it on my body sometimes cause it smells THAT good. If you don't believe me Google it girls. Better yet, come visit me and I'll let you test it out.

I'm not much of a morning person and this body wash wakes me up (in more ways than one) It smells like the fresh spearmint, actually tingles (yes tingles....) has the best lather, keeps you "just soft enough" and even doubles as a shampoo. My dude friends love it. I love it. Everyone is happy. You gotta hit up Bath and Body Works - but we all do anyway -
CO Bigalow Mentha Body Wash.I have used body oil in place of "cream" for years. I used to think my mom was weird, nope jus
t GENIUS. It's NOT greasy or Oily! When you are still a bit damp from the shower (I keep mine right in the tub) just slather it on and get out (carefully cause its makes things a bit slippy!) It sinks in and makes you feel like BUTTA. It also gives you a bit of a sheen. Super Sexy. Neutrogena light Sesame Oil is my favorite. I have converted hundreds (ok maybe 10) and they are never goin back. You can pour some in your bath and soak in it too. Listen, the Sesame does smell a bit sandalwoody. I dig it. If you don't my second fav is Johnson's Baby Oil with Aloe. Personally I like smellin a bit woodsy in comparison to baby bum, but to each his own.

I'm pretty lazy. I'm also a tanning bed survivor. Olay Definity Color Recapture makes me feel 19 again. It's an anti aging moisturizer with lots of good vitamins and stuff to revive your abused skin. (SPF too!) It also has a touch of foundation to cover minor imperfections. So you get your SPF, Day cream and Foundation all in one. Wicked.
Vaseline. Do you know how great it really is? In the baby isle you can actually get mini's that go

in your purse. I use it on my eyelashes -adds a bit of shine and darkens them up a bit plus moisturizes -instead of mascara through the week. You add a bit of loose eyeshadow to it and it makes smokey eyes, add it to a bit of blush to make a pretty lip stain, in the winter put it on at night around my dry eyes and nail cuticles, not to mention it is great on chapped lips and noses. All that for under 2 bones and a mini tub will last you years! C'mon yo...
I am not a fan of body hair.
Venus Breeze Blades (no I am not gonna say makes shaving a breeeze but I kinda wanna) 4 blades, 2 moisture strips, surrounded by built in shaving cream

bars that lather your skin pre blade. It really has cut my shaving time in half. Whats cool about these ones are that once the shaving bars are gone the blades are still sharp. Sooo just slap on some of that cheap Pantene conditioner (you'll never buy shaving cream again) and voila. Another Bonus is that the blades will hook on to whatever old Gillette razor you have. Smooth.
Ha...and you thought you wouldn't have anything to say!!! ;) Loving the blog...keep it up! :O)
ReplyDeleteOoh you figured it out! LOL No one else can. You are so smart CYNTHIA!! ;)
ReplyDeleteVenus razors really are the sh*t. I have yet to try Moroccan oil. I think I will go n get some, just because of your post :)
ReplyDeletePs. Im addicted to shoppers drug mart :x